- b
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- c
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- d
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- a
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- c
- Nov 15 - Nov 22 (8)
- Nov 22 - Nov 29 (1)
- Feb 28 - Mar 7 (6)
- Mar 21 - Mar 28 (3)
- Mar 28 - Apr 4 (1)
Jumat, 20 November 2009
anak-anak sepuluh.empat atau biasa di'celuk' casept (baca:kasep) biasa mangkal di tempat kesayangan mereka:
"Kelas sepuluh Empat"
Mereka selalu menjaga kebersamaan dan kesetiakawanan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
formasi 'setia'
menjaga kemaluan
tidak melupakan kewajiban
bentuk persatuan
menjunjung tinggi
asas pancasila sila ke-4;p
berfikir keras
untuk memecahkan suatu masalah
musyawarah mufakat
dan saling bertukar informasi
Sejarah Terbentuknya Casept
Sepuluh Empat terentuk dari beberapa orang siswa saringan yang kemudian sekelas, sehati, sejalan dan selaras sehingga terbentuk suatu perkumpulan remaja khusus di SMAN 1 Pati, yang kemudian disebut CASEPT.
CASEPT mempunyai banyak sekali kegiatan, baik saat senggang maupun saat "serius".
saat senggang
saat serius
Begitulah sekilas tentang CASEPT.
- GREEN DAY !! -
Green, green, green.
That day, a great green day was hold in my school, SMA 1 Pati. It just not plant a seed, or cleaned the garden.
But, also drawed a picture in a wall to showed our care with th eearth.
Our school looked very different.
Kamis, 19 November 2009
Apa yang aku tulis sekarang adalah bentuk harapan kecil atau keinginan bodoh yang pernah menjadi teman dalam setiap lamunanku :
Untuk hidup:
Terkadang aku berpikir untuk mengahirinya, karena aku kira itu adalah jalan yang diambil setiap orang dalam menghadapi masalah mereka.
Tapi terkadang terpikir pula dengan jalan apa aku melakukannya, atau rasa sakit saat melakukannya, membuat risih, dan juga takut.
Untuk kehidupan:
Tangisan yang kadang aku dengar dari anak tetangga, kesedihan yang sekali aku lihat dari wajah temanku yang padahal dia sendiri tak menyadarinya atau suara-suara emas yang berdengung di telingaku membuat aku yakin keindahan kehidupan bukan sesuatu yang tersurat pada setiap ceritanya. Tetapi pesan tersirat yang harus kita ungkap sendiri, itulah yang membuatnya indah.
Bekerja keras, pantang menyerah, dan tetap terus tersenyum adalah kata kunci mengungkap keindahan kehidupan.
Untuk semua benda yang mempunyai rasa sayang:
Aku minta maaf.
Untuk ketakutan:
Mungkin kau adalah bagian dari hidupku yang tak akan pernah hilang. Sampai kapanpun.
Dan aku pula menginginkan untuk merasakannya di saat yang benar-benar tepat.
Untuk kesedihan:
Salah satu dari perasaan yang aku tak ingin hilangkan. Kau bersama hiudp dan kehidupanku akan tetap berjalan bersama beriringan. Kau satu-satunya cara mengungukapkan kerinduan. Entah bagaimana, kau membuat aku dan hidupku jadi lebih bermakna.
Untuk kerinduan:
Mungkin sekarang aku belum pernah merasakannya dengan sangat, tapi aku yakin untuk merasakannya sesekali, walaupun menyakitkan.
Dan untuk kebahagiaan:
Tetaplah membimbing mereka mengalir dalam darahku dengan tepat. Jadilah apa yang aku dan hidup serta kehidupanku butuhkan
Jangan pernah pergi dan meninggalkan setiap detik yang menghargaimu. Jangan pernah membuat setiap inchi diriku tak berharga karena kepergianmu.
Untuk kebahagiaan, muncullah setelah ketakutan, kesedihan, dan kerinduan tampak. Karena kau akan membuat semuanya lebih bermakna.
Ketikan saran serta nasehat
Doa dari bunda di dunia indah
Menjadi tuntutan bukan tuntunan
Mereka …
Terlihat malu-malu mau
Nampak ingin disenangi
Dan membuat terlalu banyak cinta disekitarnya
Terlalu banyak cinta disekitarnya
Tak tampak mana yang benar
Mana yang asli??
Terlalu banyak kemewahan untuknya
Lagi tak pantas jika untuk pamer
Karena hanya nampak ingin dikhianati
Yakin ingin tahu mana hari Senin atau Minggu
Itulah tujuan ingin dikhianati
“Pecahkan sendiri”
posted by:tug-tug.
Doa dari bunda di dunia indah
Menjadi tuntutan bukan tuntunan
Mereka …
Terlihat malu-malu mau
Nampak ingin disenangi
Dan membuat terlalu banyak cinta disekitarnya
Terlalu banyak cinta disekitarnya
Tak tampak mana yang benar
Mana yang asli??
Terlalu banyak kemewahan untuknya
Lagi tak pantas jika untuk pamer
Karena hanya nampak ingin dikhianati
Yakin ingin tahu mana hari Senin atau Minggu
Itulah tujuan ingin dikhianati
“Pecahkan sendiri”
posted by:tug-tug.
Langit saat kesenduan meraja,
Tak diketahui tanda tangannya
Itu lah lukisan hatiku kini
Yang kehilangan satu denyut nadiku
Mungkin bulan hal terindah kala malam
Tapi goresan-goresan warna dari mu mengalahkannya
Kau cahaya sempurna untuk segala malam
Kau yang selalu memberi nyawa bagi semua harapan
Jangan kau jauhkan aku dari tempatmu
Semua mimpiku tak kan berarti jika tak dengan cinta Mu
Aku akan lupakan segalanya untuk mu, hanya untuk mu
Janji setia kupegang sampai nadiku benar-benar hanyut bersama keindahan
posted by: tug-tug.
Tak diketahui tanda tangannya
Itu lah lukisan hatiku kini
Yang kehilangan satu denyut nadiku
Mungkin bulan hal terindah kala malam
Tapi goresan-goresan warna dari mu mengalahkannya
Kau cahaya sempurna untuk segala malam
Kau yang selalu memberi nyawa bagi semua harapan
Jangan kau jauhkan aku dari tempatmu
Semua mimpiku tak kan berarti jika tak dengan cinta Mu
Aku akan lupakan segalanya untuk mu, hanya untuk mu
Janji setia kupegang sampai nadiku benar-benar hanyut bersama keindahan
posted by: tug-tug.
Indonesia ?
Aturan-aturan palsu
Dibuat dengan embel-embel kemakmuran rakyat
Dibutakan dengan satuan rupiah tak berguna
Membuat lubang di hati memperbesar lubang di dinding
Globalisasi yang membanggakan mereka
Membebani petani yang katrok
Pernyataan tunjangan-tunjangan amal
Masuk kantong keluar sampah
Kaum bawah tetap di bawah
Sedangkan yang di atas bilang roda pasti berputar
Memperburuk keadaan dengan kehadiran pemimpin sarap
Ke mana Indonesia kita nanti?
post by:tug-tug.
Dibuat dengan embel-embel kemakmuran rakyat
Dibutakan dengan satuan rupiah tak berguna
Membuat lubang di hati memperbesar lubang di dinding
Globalisasi yang membanggakan mereka
Membebani petani yang katrok
Pernyataan tunjangan-tunjangan amal
Masuk kantong keluar sampah
Kaum bawah tetap di bawah
Sedangkan yang di atas bilang roda pasti berputar
Memperburuk keadaan dengan kehadiran pemimpin sarap
Ke mana Indonesia kita nanti?
post by:tug-tug.
English Question
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty she was called Dewi Srengenge. It means The Beautiful Sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy. It is because he always expected to have a son.
The King decided to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. He was very happy. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son to become a king in the future. She asked the King to send his daughter away. However, the King did not agree. He would not let anyone hurt his daughter.
Dewi Mutiara called a black magician to curse Kadita. She wanted Kadita’s beautiful body was full of scabies and itch. When she woke up, she found her body full of ulcer. It also smell stinky. The beautiful princess cried. She did not know what to do.
When the King heard the news, he was very sad. No one could cure his daughter’s illness. The King did not want his daughter to be a rumour so he agreed to send his daughter away.
The poor princess went alone. She did not know where to go. She almost could not cry anymore. But, she had a noble heart. She did not have any bad feeling about her stepmother. She always prayed to God. She walked for almost seven days and seven nights. Then, she came to the South Ocean. The ocean was so clean and clear. She jumped into the water and swam.
Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. The scabies and itch were gone. Even, she became more beautiful than before. Not only that, she also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean.
1. What is the kind of the text above?
a. Explanation text
b. Narrative text
c. Procedure text
d. Recount text
e. Descriptive text
2. The aim of the text is to . . .
a. Describe a specific person
b. Amuse the readers
c. Give a knowledge to the readers
d. Give information about past event
e. Tell a funny story
3. Why did The King Mundi Wangi send Princess Kadita away?
a. Because he wanted his son become a king
b. Because he felt repugnant to his daughter’s illness
c. Because he didn’t want her daughter to be an issue
d. Because he didn’t care with Princess Kadita anymore
e. Because he knew that no one could cure her daughter’s illness
4. Why did Princess Kadita’s illness cure?
a. Because she was a kind girl
b. Because a miracle
c. Because she prayed to God
d. Because she went to South Ocean
e. Because she swam at South Ocean
5. Where did the story happen?
a. Karimunjava Island
b. Tarumanegara Kingdom
c. Yogyakarta
d. Padjajaran Kingdom
e. West Java
6. Dewi Mutiara called a black magician ………(paragraph 3)
The underlined word can be replaced with . . .
a. Divine d. Witch
b. Wizard e. Shaman
c. Fairy
7. Who was the main character of this story?
a. The son of King Munding Wangi
b. King Munding Wangi
c. Princess Kadita’s stepmother
d. Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
e. The black magician
8. The word “expected” (paragraph 1), has the same meaning with . . .
a. Assumed d. Would
b. Hope e. Requested
c. Believed
9. The following statements is true based on the story, except . . .
a. The King loved his daughter
b. Dewi Srengenge was a sobriquet to Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
c. The Princess walked for a week
d. Dewi Mutiara called a witch to treat Princess Kadita
e. Princess Kadita’s illness were disappeared because of the water of South Ocean
10. Actually, who is Nyi Roro Kidul?
a. Dewi Mutiara’s daughter
b. King Munding Wangi’s daughter
c. The Queen of the Ocean
d. Dewi Srengenge
e. A fairy
11. It also smell stinky (paragraph 3).
The underlined word is the antonym of . . .
a. Rotten d. Fragrant
b. Low e. Vile smelly
c. Pyrrhic
12. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy (paragraph 1).
The underlined word synonym with . . .
a. Delighted d. Glad
b. Contented e. Sad
c. Enliven
13. She asked the King to……..(paragraph 2).
“She” refers to . . .
a. Princess Kadita’s sister
b. Princess Kadita’s nephew
c. Princess Kadita’s stepmother
d. King Munding Wangi’s daughter
e. Nyi Roro Kidul
14. The first paragraph tells us about . . .
a. King Munding Wangi’s new wife
b. King Munding Wangi
c. King Munding Wangi’s disciple
d. Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
e. Dewi Mutiara’s son
15. He would not let anyone hurt his daughter (paragraph 2).
The underlined word refers to . . .
a. King Munding Wangi
b. Dewi Mutiara
c. Dewi Mutiara’s son
d. Dewi Srengenge
e. King Munding Wangi’s wife
16. She wanted Kadita’s beautiful body was full of scabies and itch (paragraph 3).
The word that has the similarity meaning with scabies is . . .
a. Pimple d. Measles
b. Wart e. Skin rash
c. Fever
17. Dewi Mutiara called a black magician to wipe out Princess Kadita.
It shows that Dewi Mutiara is a . . . . person.
a. Cruel d. Respectable
b. Vanity e. Wicked
c. Braggart
18. According to the generic structure, which paragraph is the evaluation?
a. Paragraph 6 d. Paragraph 3
b. Paragraph 4 e. Paragraph 2
c. Paragraph 1
19. According to paragraph 2, who was to be a rumour?
a. King Munding Wangi
b. Dewi Mutiara’s son
c. Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
d. King Munding Wangi’s daughter
e. No one
20. According to the story, which is the right moral value of the story?
a. Actually, Kadita was always misfortune
b. Dewi Mutiara must become a good person
c. People must satisfied with the God’s gift
d. People always get many problems in their life
e. Don’t send our daughter away
see the answer
- ☺☺☺ -
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty she was called Dewi Srengenge. It means The Beautiful Sun. Her father was King Munding Wangi. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy. It is because he always expected to have a son.
The King decided to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. He was very happy. Dewi Mutiara wanted her son to become a king in the future. She asked the King to send his daughter away. However, the King did not agree. He would not let anyone hurt his daughter.
Dewi Mutiara called a black magician to curse Kadita. She wanted Kadita’s beautiful body was full of scabies and itch. When she woke up, she found her body full of ulcer. It also smell stinky. The beautiful princess cried. She did not know what to do.
When the King heard the news, he was very sad. No one could cure his daughter’s illness. The King did not want his daughter to be a rumour so he agreed to send his daughter away.
The poor princess went alone. She did not know where to go. She almost could not cry anymore. But, she had a noble heart. She did not have any bad feeling about her stepmother. She always prayed to God. She walked for almost seven days and seven nights. Then, she came to the South Ocean. The ocean was so clean and clear. She jumped into the water and swam.
Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. The scabies and itch were gone. Even, she became more beautiful than before. Not only that, she also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became a fairy called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean.
1. What is the kind of the text above?
a. Explanation text
b. Narrative text
c. Procedure text
d. Recount text
e. Descriptive text
2. The aim of the text is to . . .
a. Describe a specific person
b. Amuse the readers
c. Give a knowledge to the readers
d. Give information about past event
e. Tell a funny story
3. Why did The King Mundi Wangi send Princess Kadita away?
a. Because he wanted his son become a king
b. Because he felt repugnant to his daughter’s illness
c. Because he didn’t want her daughter to be an issue
d. Because he didn’t care with Princess Kadita anymore
e. Because he knew that no one could cure her daughter’s illness
4. Why did Princess Kadita’s illness cure?
a. Because she was a kind girl
b. Because a miracle
c. Because she prayed to God
d. Because she went to South Ocean
e. Because she swam at South Ocean
5. Where did the story happen?
a. Karimunjava Island
b. Tarumanegara Kingdom
c. Yogyakarta
d. Padjajaran Kingdom
e. West Java
6. Dewi Mutiara called a black magician ………(paragraph 3)
The underlined word can be replaced with . . .
a. Divine d. Witch
b. Wizard e. Shaman
c. Fairy
7. Who was the main character of this story?
a. The son of King Munding Wangi
b. King Munding Wangi
c. Princess Kadita’s stepmother
d. Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
e. The black magician
8. The word “expected” (paragraph 1), has the same meaning with . . .
a. Assumed d. Would
b. Hope e. Requested
c. Believed
9. The following statements is true based on the story, except . . .
a. The King loved his daughter
b. Dewi Srengenge was a sobriquet to Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
c. The Princess walked for a week
d. Dewi Mutiara called a witch to treat Princess Kadita
e. Princess Kadita’s illness were disappeared because of the water of South Ocean
10. Actually, who is Nyi Roro Kidul?
a. Dewi Mutiara’s daughter
b. King Munding Wangi’s daughter
c. The Queen of the Ocean
d. Dewi Srengenge
e. A fairy
11. It also smell stinky (paragraph 3).
The underlined word is the antonym of . . .
a. Rotten d. Fragrant
b. Low e. Vile smelly
c. Pyrrhic
12. Although he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy (paragraph 1).
The underlined word synonym with . . .
a. Delighted d. Glad
b. Contented e. Sad
c. Enliven
13. She asked the King to……..(paragraph 2).
“She” refers to . . .
a. Princess Kadita’s sister
b. Princess Kadita’s nephew
c. Princess Kadita’s stepmother
d. King Munding Wangi’s daughter
e. Nyi Roro Kidul
14. The first paragraph tells us about . . .
a. King Munding Wangi’s new wife
b. King Munding Wangi
c. King Munding Wangi’s disciple
d. Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
e. Dewi Mutiara’s son
15. He would not let anyone hurt his daughter (paragraph 2).
The underlined word refers to . . .
a. King Munding Wangi
b. Dewi Mutiara
c. Dewi Mutiara’s son
d. Dewi Srengenge
e. King Munding Wangi’s wife
16. She wanted Kadita’s beautiful body was full of scabies and itch (paragraph 3).
The word that has the similarity meaning with scabies is . . .
a. Pimple d. Measles
b. Wart e. Skin rash
c. Fever
17. Dewi Mutiara called a black magician to wipe out Princess Kadita.
It shows that Dewi Mutiara is a . . . . person.
a. Cruel d. Respectable
b. Vanity e. Wicked
c. Braggart
18. According to the generic structure, which paragraph is the evaluation?
a. Paragraph 6 d. Paragraph 3
b. Paragraph 4 e. Paragraph 2
c. Paragraph 1
19. According to paragraph 2, who was to be a rumour?
a. King Munding Wangi
b. Dewi Mutiara’s son
c. Dewi Mutiara’s stepdaughter
d. King Munding Wangi’s daughter
e. No one
20. According to the story, which is the right moral value of the story?
a. Actually, Kadita was always misfortune
b. Dewi Mutiara must become a good person
c. People must satisfied with the God’s gift
d. People always get many problems in their life
e. Don’t send our daughter away
see the answer
- ☺☺☺ -
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